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Digital Rights and Responsibilities

Digital rights are the fundamental human and legal entitlements that enable people to access, utilize, generate, and distribute digital content across various technological platforms such as computers, mobile phones, and virtual communities (Pangrazio & Sefton-Green, 2021). This concept also aligns with digital responsibility, a crucial aspect that involves the safe, ethical, and conscious use of technology. It goes beyond protecting our personal information and extends to how we interact with others online and respect their rights and privacy. In fact, the practical and secure safeguarding of students' personal information is of utmost importance, considering the increasing use of digital tools in educational settings. Educational organizations, as key actors, are responsible for guaranteeing digital rights and cultivating responsible and digitally active citizens (Gallego-Arrufat et al., 2024). According to Gallego-Arrufat et al. (2024), this involves addressing ethical and social dilemmas related to technology use and educating individuals to be aware of the consequences of their actions. In doing so, we prepare the next generation to navigate the digital world confidently and responsibly, empowering them to discern information, protect their privacy, and engage in constructive online dialogue. This responsibility not only enhances the quality of education but also contributes to the formation of conscious and ethical digital citizens.


Gallego-Arrufat, M.-J., García-Martínez, I., Romero-López, M.-A, & Torres-Hernández, N. (2024). Digital rights and responsibility in education: A scoping review. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 32(3).

Pangrazio, L., & Sefton-Green, J. (2021). Digital rights, digital citizenship and digital literacy: what’s the difference? Journal of New Approaches in Educational Research, 10(1), 15.

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