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Teaching Media Fluency

Given that technology is integral to classrooms and students' lives, I recognize that my role as a teacher is pivotal in guiding students to develop essential 21st-century skills, emphasizing responsible technology use. Zhang et al. (2023) indicate that, although young generations have more access to digital technology and media, they have a lower ability to make educational use of these resources. This gap between access and educational use highlights the importance of integrating digital media literacy education in K-12 curricula (Zhang et al., 2023). Students should master not only basic technical knowledge and skills but also develop higher-order competencies such as critical thinking, creativity, and communication. Indeed, "Technical skills" involve using digital media or technology, such as computers or tablets. While "critical understanding" entails analyzing and evaluating digital media for quality and accuracy. "Creation and communication" encompasses producing digital media texts and interacting with others through technological means. This involves encouraging students to question online sources' credibility, understand their digital footprint's impact, and use technology to express their ideas creatively and responsibly (Wu et al., 2022). In my classroom, I aim to integrate digital literacy into all aspects of learning. This involves leveraging technology to enhance my students' learning experience, facilitate collaborative online projects, and offer opportunities for students to create digital content. Through these efforts, I aim to empower my students with the skills necessary to navigate the digital world confidently and ethically.



Wu, D., Zhou, C., Li, Y., & Chen, M. (2022). Factors associated with teachers’ competence to develop students’ information literacy: A multilevel approach. Computers and Education, 176, 104-360.

Zhang, H., Zhu, C., Sang, G., & Questier, F. (2023). Effects of digital media literacy course on primary school students’ digital media literacy: an experimental study. International Journal of Technology and Design Education, 34(1), 1–17.

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